Keep Calm and.... EXTERMINATE!!!

You know all those "Keep Calm and..." posters?  Here's the ones I like. :D

So yeah... August 27th is the day that the first episode of the mid season premiere comes out.  Eeeeeeee! !!!!!!

Just a tad excited.

Are you a Whovian?


<br /> <br /><br />&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;<br />^^BEST FRIEND ALERT^^ that&#8217;d be the very Whovian that got me into Doctor Who in the first place.

&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;<br />I&#8217;m ashamed to admit I&#8217;m not organized enough to have compiled everything into one folder. 

Major geeking out going on... Sorry :P

Anyhow... Looking forward to Saturday! I promise to do a real post soon... One last picture to leave you with...